HELIUS Rocket Stove
Material: 6” Industrial Schedule 20 Pipe, Fully Welded
Weight: 30 lb
Dimensions: 33” extended height, Telescoping legs, 21” base
Quick-release ash drop: Clean while cooking without dousing your flames
Temperature: 1400°F
Copy and paste link for Instruction Manual: http://titanreadyusa.com/wp-core/wp-content/uploads/Helius-Instructions.pdf
Durable - “You could run over this with your truck and while you’re fixing your truck, you could make yourself lunch.” - Kris Johnson, Design Engineer
Flammable biomass - burn anything from wood scraps to dry, yard debris
Sustainable energy - does not need any kind of fuel beyond burnables
Constant cooking - the quick-release ash drop means you can keep cooking while clearing the chimney of accumulated ash
Produces a clean burn - little or no smoke
High-temperature woodstove coating - Rated for 2200°F, as opposed to typical powder coating rated for 400°F
Compost assist - Because the burnables are all natural, the ash can be reworked into the soil as fertilizer/compost (though many plants thrive on the liming effects of carbonates and oxides, in wood ash in particular, check what kinds of compost your plants need because some plants do need the higher acidity that this compost would decrease)
100% money back guarantee - 90 days, excluding shipping and custom orders